Baby R got to pick out her first pumpkin this weekend.
We talked about pumpkins and knew what color they were. Talked about the little gourds and how they are different colors. Then, we talked about fall and showed her some leaves. We are such teachers.
So, we got to take a field trip to a pumpkin patch. Our first choice was out because it was just too commercial and I didn’t feel like spending all that money on games, when what we really wanted were pumpkins. So we ended up going to DeVries Farms and getting some really good looking squash.
We also got to play in their spooky train yard. Miss R liked the John Deere and the ducks. When she was done ringing the bell to scare away the ghosts, she picked out the cutest little pumpkin to take home. I was really impressed. She went right to it, scooped it up, and said, “this one, Mommy.” Like it was just sitting there waiting for her to take it home. I’m so glad we didn’t go to the Humane Society instead. We would have ended up with a poodle or a tiger kitty.
We took our Halloween goodies home and set them all up on the porch until next weekend when we go to carve them out. I was hoping for something like this, but I may have to wait until Miss R is a little bigger and less spooked by all this stuff.
Cute display! Currently we have one that we, lamely, picked up at the grocery store. It was only $5, what can I say?
We usually go au naturel for our pumpkin - which sounds lazy like we don’t want to make a big mess carving the pumpkin or something but we don’t really get an kids on our street so it doesn’t really seem worth the effort.
Comment by Nicole — October 17, 2007 @ 7:48 am