Hooray! I actually finished my Sock Pal’s socks on time (which was about 2 weeks ago). But, like I said before, I’ve been slow to post lately.
Want to see some socks?
This is a Trekking yarn. It didn’t really have a name, but I named it “Neopolitan” because it reminded me of ice cream. It was a hoot to work with. I thought they were much too big, but then I put them on for the photo shoot and they seemed to be ok. I sure hope they fit my sock pal! Molly, I hope you are enjoying your socks.
These are only my second pair of completed socks, and I do think I’m getting much better at this whole sock thing. Plus, I’m getting a little faster. These only took me just over 2 months to finish.  I loved how they came out not matching with the stripes. I don’t know why, but I just love when homemade socks are similar, but not quite match.
My sock pal sent me the most beautiful pair of socks. They are simply delightful, thank you! I ended up sick the week I got them, and I wore them all around while my fever was raging and my toes were freezing. I haven’t gotten any action shots of my socks yet, but you can visit the esotericknitter.com to check out my socks. Thanks Jennie! I really have to learn how to cable!
Love the socks… the colours remind me of laffy taffy. Yum! I’m sure your pal will love them.
Comment by Nicole — August 13, 2007 @ 12:37 pm
Hey, those are really cute socks!
Comment by mommyknows — August 21, 2007 @ 6:42 pm