November 30, 2007
I can’t believe it! I actually managed to go an entire month without failing once!
It’s astonishing. It’s stupendous! It’s miraculous!
It’s exhausting.
I’m tired. I think I’ll lie down and take a little nap now.
But don’t worry, I will probably keep up with the posts more often than in the past, so you should stop by now and then still, even though November is officially over.

photo courtesy of Subversive Cross Stitch
November 29, 2007
So, I’ve been feverishly knitting, sewing, crafting, and cooking for the holidays. I’ve come up with yet another very cute little knit item that takes roughly 2 hours of knitting to finish up. I’m not going to tell you what it is, because my mom reads this site and she’s TOTALLY getting one. But I will tell you, they are Cute with a capital C. And terribly funny.
Mom-the horse people will love this one.
In other news, the Quilt along is going well. I’ve finished the 3rd block, but no pictures yet. Sorry.
As for Christmas goodies, the caramel corn is so far my favorite. But I’m also wanting to try some freezer cookies. That way I can make it up now and cook them up later when I’m terribly busy.
I also made some yummy crab Alfredo last night. Really good.
I melted 1/4 cup of butter in a skillet with some garlic. Then added crab flakes, 1 cup of heavy cream/milk (the recipe called for half and half, but I didn’t have any), and some pepper. Then once that bubbled up and got thicker, I poured it over some noodles.
As my husband said, “this is great, I can’t believe you just threw this all together.”
I highly recommend this for anyone who wants to impress but has only 20 minutes of prep time. I don’t even think it took me that long.
I just realized this is a slightly disjointed post, but oh well. That’s the way it goes.
November 28, 2007
Umpee Umpee sat on a wall.
Umpee Umpee fell down.
Umpee Umpee are you ok?
Mommy! Umpee Umpee!
He’s our new favorite ever since we stopped at the bookstore and saw him sitting on the shelf.
November 27, 2007
I made a hat. I don’t know who it’s for yet.
But it’s pretty versatile

I think there will be more of these in the near future.
November 26, 2007
Overheard this evening in the Rimes’ household:
Daddy Rimes: Who does daddy love?
Little Miss Rimes: huh?
Daddy Rimes: Who does daddy love?
Little Miss Rimes: Daddy, you loves your monkey!
No idea where it came from, and I didn’t bother to ask; apparently, I really love my monkey, which I didn’t know I even had.
So I joined an online Quilt Along. Like I need one more thing to do this holiday season, right?
Anyway, it’s 2 weeks in and I’m actually getting my blocks done.
If you want to see the blocks, you can visit Crazy Mom Quilts.
Here’s week one.

And week two.

I’m using Urban Garden fabrics. They are just so nice.
November 25, 2007
We had so much fun over the holiday weekend.
Here’s some pictures.

Here’s Gramma and Grampa. They’re off for adventure on the open road pretty soon. I envy them the warm weather.

And here are the cousins and aunt and uncle. Congrats Andrea and Natalie on the wedding plans!

And here are the girls. 3 generations right there. GG, Stephanie, Miss R, and Mommy.

Gramma went outside and got us something exciting to play with. Can you tell what it is?

Yup, it’s snow. We had about 3 inches of the fluffy stuff Thanksgiving afternoon.

Daddy got into the action too.
Happy Holidays!
November 24, 2007
Or… House of Hair.
Yup, that’s Miss R.

Rockin’ out.

Oh yeah. She’s really groovin’.
She likes to dance while Daddy plays Guitar Hero. Which is good, because he likes to play.
November 23, 2007
Ta DA!

This is my favorite cozy corner.

Finished! And just in time for all the festivities!
And if anyone makes any reference to Chicago, Bears, or football, I will show you how different Pumpkin Toast Orange is to Chicago Bears Orange, thank-you-very-much.
November 22, 2007
I thought about writing a poignant post today. About how thankful I am for my family, friends, health, home, and basic comforts of being an American.
But I just feel altogether too sappy writing all of that. So instead, I’m going to leave you with a few images of the yummy things I have made to honor the occasion of having a houseful of people from 2 states, 4 counties, and 6 cities.
I am thankful for chocolate.

Specifically, Ghirardelli 60% bittersweet cocoa.
Let’s take a closer look.

I am also thankful for mashed potatoes. And Pioneer Woman.
Yup, I made those too. No pictures though. You’ll have to see hers.
I also made some of this. I am thankful for sugar. Without which, none of this would be possible.

MMMMM. Yummy. These are Christmas gifts, but since they are already open, it’s ok to show you.
There will be much more food, for which I am very thankful. Plus, the company that will help eat all this food will be wonderful.
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Eating.