November 27, 2006
Baby’s first Turkey Day that she could actually appreciate has come and gone. She amused the visitors with belly button antics, ba-byes, and kisses. She loved the sweet potatoes, corn, green beans, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. Mommy and Daddy did too.Â
A big thanks to all the early gift givers as well. Baby loves her new baby doll, the singing dolphins, and Mommy loves all the nice warm pink pants.Â
The long weekend was really nice. Baby Rimes got to go outside and play in the leaves that Mommy and Daddy tried raking. She also enjoyed sleeping in and visiting with Grandma while Mommy and Daddy got some much needed time away from the house and the Baby. Thanks Grandma!
November 22, 2006
Baby Rimes’ new favorite words: Boo! and Gobble Gobble Gobble!
First great story. Mommy and Baby usually snuggle in bed while Daddy takes his shower. Yesterday, Baby got tired of snuggling and scooted out of bed and ran down the hall. She stood so patiently for Daddy to get done with his shower and open the door. When he opened the door, she shouted, “BOO!” and nearly knocked Daddy over! Oh, the hilarity!
Second great story. Baby has learned that a turkey says, “Gobble Gobble Gobble!” And she will walk around the house gobbling at everyone. I will have to get video of this, because this medium just doesn’t do this justice. However, let me assure you, it’s pretty darn funny.
Happy Thanksgiving!
November 14, 2006
Even though she already says Mama, Daddy, booberrr (blueberries) and Uh-oh, it’s so much fun when our little Pumpkin head learns a new word and uses it correctly. This week: ow! It all started when Pumpkin head started beating Mommy on the head with any hard object, the phone, the remote, toy cars, whatever was at hand. Of course, Mommy said, “ow, that hurts!” So now, Baby Rimes has taken to hitting herself on the head and saying, “owwww!” or hitting the couch and saying, “owwwww!” or banging her toys on the floor and saying, “owwwww!” Yes, even the couch has feelings.
As for another new word, she has learned belly button, or rather, bewwy bew. If you ask “where’s Baby’s belly button?!” She responds by pulling up her shirt until you kiss her belly, then hiding it again, and saying, “bewwy bew?” with her hands in the universal “where’d it go” sign.
Very cute.
November 7, 2006
So Mommy Rimes just figured out how to post pictures (with the help of Daddy of course). Without much more ado, here are some pictures that you all should have seen earlier of Baby Rimes (and Daddy and a party goer).
Birthday pics…

Jelly Bellies

November 6, 2006
Yup. It was green. Why, you ask? Well, artist Mommy thought Baby Rimes could handle some art time. Mommy and Daddy bought her some JUMBO Crayolas and sat her down at her mini table with some paper, and said, “Go!” Baby Rimes, of course, has done much art in the past few months. Her favorite colors are green and red. While Baby Rimes was busy at her art, Mommy was busy at the big table with hers. Daddy was in the kitchen doing a little post-dinner clean-up. Baby Rimes is contentedly coloring. Until…
“Look, Momm,y what I did!” She exclaims in true baby form (it was actually more like “Bayya Bop!”) and holds up her drawing for Mommy’s approval. “Oh, honey, that’s a lovely pict….AHHH! What is coming out of your mouth!” Yup, you guessed it, green drool. While Mommy frantically looks around for what’s left of the green crayon, Daddy decides that this must be the next post. So here it is, a few teeth marks, soggy wrapping paper, and most of a green crayon left over, is the post about Baby’s green drool. Fortunately, with Mommy’s job, she is well aware of the fact that taking a few nibbles of a green Crayola isn’t going to kill you. It might taste like wax, but it’s definitely not going to kill you.
Unlike the time Baby tried eating her Osaka Orange Sherwin Williams latex paint. But that’s another story for another time.
November 2, 2006
After Mommy Rimes’ not so subtle attempt to suggest I haven’t been doing my job lately, here are a few Halloween photos for everyone to enjoy. It’s really not that I haven’t been doing my job, I’ve just been really busy doing the job I get paid for, followed closely by the job I wish I got paid for, and then performing the job I love the best (being Dad). So, without further ado, here are pictures for you to enjoy. More photo albums coming for the main site soon! (I promise)

Technorati Profile
Let me start by saying that this story would be much better with pictures. That being said, you can send all hate mail to Daddy Rimes.
All Hallow’s Eve was mostly uneventful for our little Yoda (Can’t you just picture her in her cute little homemade knit Yoda hat?) While she didn’t go door to door grabbing candy, she did help Mommy and Daddy hand it out to other little witches and gobblins (Here’s where another absolutely adorable picture should be). She was so excited about handing out candy, that she would hold one in her hand, stretched out, peeking out of the doorway, practically using the force to will another little person into existance so she could drop said piece of candy into their bag. She did a marvelous job, only pausing in her duties when a very large child in a mask came to the door. Then she stood with the strangest look trying to figure out exactly what this strange creature was doing at her door trying to get her candy. (Wouldn’t another picture just be wonderful?) She didn’t cry once, except when the candy ran out.
What a wonderful child we have.