November 25, 2007
We had so much fun over the holiday weekend.
Here’s some pictures.

Here’s Gramma and Grampa. They’re off for adventure on the open road pretty soon. I envy them the warm weather.

And here are the cousins and aunt and uncle. Congrats Andrea and Natalie on the wedding plans!

And here are the girls. 3 generations right there. GG, Stephanie, Miss R, and Mommy.

Gramma went outside and got us something exciting to play with. Can you tell what it is?

Yup, it’s snow. We had about 3 inches of the fluffy stuff Thanksgiving afternoon.

Daddy got into the action too.
Happy Holidays!
November 21, 2007
This week we will be doing a little Thanksgiving with a little Christmas for those relatives we don’t get to see on the actual Christmas holiday. So I’ve been working like a busy little elf to get things all finished by Thursday.
I made a ______ for ________. It’s very pretty.
And this other one I made is made from _____ with a little bit of ______ and a ______ tucked inside. It’s for _____.
I made another ______. I loved the pattern so much I made another in a ______ colorway. This one is for my ______.
And since I don’t just make things from ____ and _____, but I also make _______. This one will be for _______ and _______.
Sorry, no pictures until after Thanksgiving!
November 27, 2006
Baby’s first Turkey Day that she could actually appreciate has come and gone. She amused the visitors with belly button antics, ba-byes, and kisses. She loved the sweet potatoes, corn, green beans, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. Mommy and Daddy did too.Â
A big thanks to all the early gift givers as well. Baby loves her new baby doll, the singing dolphins, and Mommy loves all the nice warm pink pants.Â
The long weekend was really nice. Baby Rimes got to go outside and play in the leaves that Mommy and Daddy tried raking. She also enjoyed sleeping in and visiting with Grandma while Mommy and Daddy got some much needed time away from the house and the Baby. Thanks Grandma!
November 2, 2006
Let me start by saying that this story would be much better with pictures. That being said, you can send all hate mail to Daddy Rimes.
All Hallow’s Eve was mostly uneventful for our little Yoda (Can’t you just picture her in her cute little homemade knit Yoda hat?) While she didn’t go door to door grabbing candy, she did help Mommy and Daddy hand it out to other little witches and gobblins (Here’s where another absolutely adorable picture should be). She was so excited about handing out candy, that she would hold one in her hand, stretched out, peeking out of the doorway, practically using the force to will another little person into existance so she could drop said piece of candy into their bag. She did a marvelous job, only pausing in her duties when a very large child in a mask came to the door. Then she stood with the strangest look trying to figure out exactly what this strange creature was doing at her door trying to get her candy. (Wouldn’t another picture just be wonderful?) She didn’t cry once, except when the candy ran out.
What a wonderful child we have.
August 15, 2006
While Daddy was off galavanting in California, Mommy and Baby spent a LOOOOONG weekend together, alone. While Daddy was flying to Atlanta by way of Chattanooga to avoid the hail and thunderstorms, Baby and Mommy were peeling wallpaper and eating blueberry crumble. When Daddy was touring Napa and it’s independant bookstores, Mommy and Baby were at the Farmer’s Market buying sunflowers and black-eyed susans, while eating blueberries. When Daddy was at Jelly Belly buying 8 pounds of irregular Belly Flop beans, Mommy and Baby were taking a nap and dreaming about blueberry muffins. And when Daddy was watching his friend Drew get married and dancing and eating really good food, Mommy and Baby were eating blueberry pie with ice cream with the grandparents.
Needless to say, Daddy had a great weekend, despite spending more time in airports and on the plane than in California. And, Mommy and Baby had a very blue weekend together waiting for Daddy to come back home and share some of the jelly beans.
Oh! and a special thanks to Nicole for the cutest baby hat ever! Thanks for thinking of us!
August 6, 2006
The big day has come and gone. And come and gone again. Our little munchkin’s birthday was celebrated the first time around without much fanfare, but with a colorful new rug to cover her hardwood floor. But the second time around was much more fun. We had pink and white cupcakes with blueberries and strawberries. We had balloons. We had grilled animal flesh and lots of salads to munch. And best of all, we had lots of family and friends.
The best part of the birthday festivities was, of course, the cake eating. Our little trooper did it in high form, delicately picking off the blueberries and eating them until she realized what was underneath. Then, she dove in with reckless abandon, forgoing the use of hands because they merely got in the way, and stuck her face right down into the frosting and took a large chunck of cupcake and smiled as she chewed the gooey mess.
For those of you not in attendence, I promise pictures of this hilarious event as soon as possible. However, due to unforseen circumstances, we are without our home internet connection at the moment. As soon as the cable company (or phone company, whichever provides us with the best quote) can make it to our new abode, we will update the pictures section of Baby Rimes’ site. Thank you for your patience.