December 26, 2007
Daddy Rimes gave Mommy a really superb Christmas Present. He has updated the website and moved the whole blog over to the main page
Be sure to update your RSS feeds or bookmarks so you can keep up with the adventures of the Rimes family!
December 24, 2007
She just loves those antlers.

And the Rudolph song.
This is how Daddy and Miss R went grocery shopping this morning. Yup, in public. Singing all the way.

Merry Christmas!
December 22, 2007
I know just about everyone has a pair of those reindeer antlers, or at least a santa hat. We also have the privilege of owning a glowing reindeer nose.

You may not be able to see the glowing nose, but it’s there.

The antlers went on too. But you’ll never know, because my camera does not react faster than a 2 year old.

December 20, 2007
Mommy and Daddy had a “moment” this week.
Our first child’s first Christmas production.

And she did not disappoint. After 2 weeks of practicing Jingle Bells-with the hand shaking for the bells-she got up in front of everyone and refused to sing. Not only refused to sing, but pulled her dress up right around her belly button.

Not that you’ll see that picture, because we didn’t get any. Not for lack of trying. Daddy and I both thought THOSE would be wonderful to have on hand when she turned 16.

Despite not singing one of her favorite songs, she was still cute. And the fact that the entire program lasted less than 20 minutes didn’t hurt either.

She recovered quite nicely after the program was over.

A special thank you to Aunt Deb for the absolutely adorable dress. Miss R loved wearing it and twirled several times before we were allowed to continue with socks and shoes.
December 19, 2007
And with our super cool new hat from our friend Nicole,

Miss R learns how to vogue in front of the camera.

She is such a camera hog.

But what a cutie.

Thanks Nicole!
Merry Christmas to you too!
December 13, 2007
Is your Christmas gift here?

December 12, 2007
I actually finished another pair of socks! And this pair is for me!
Woo hoo!
They’ve only been on the needles since August. I feel a great sense of accomplishment.

These are Trekking in what I would like to call a Mixed Berry color. They are knit on size 2 needles (they are extra teeny) and done in a simple stockinette stitch.
And I would also like to point out the excellent photo of my own feet. I don’t know how other people get cute pictures of their own feet, but I tried a whole bunch of different shots and my efforts resulted in the above picture as the best I could come up with. Yikes! But you get the idea.
December 11, 2007
How to make Sugar Cookies with Daddy.
First, you add the butter.

That’s a lot of butter.
Then, you mix the rest of the ingredients to make cookie dough.

The best way to do this is with a mixer.
Then you check to make sure everything tastes good.

And one more time, just to make sure.

Join us tomorrow night when we roll these out and cook them up (if there’s any batter left that is)
December 7, 2007
A very pleasant pinwheel for the 3rd block.

December 6, 2007
on our 10 minute drive to the restaurant last night, this is what we talked about:
Mom: How was your day?
Miss R: Can we get a little doggie?
Mom: um, not really
Miss R: a little doggie?
Mom: Not even a little doggie. You mommy can’t have doggies.
Miss R: Can we have a LITTLE doggie?
Mom: little doggies, are pretty cute, but no, we can’t get one.
Miss R: ok.
Mom: We’re going to see Gramma and Grampa and eat some food. Would you like to eat dinner?
Miss R: and a little doggie?
Mom: what’s up with the little doggie? Who has a little doggie? What about all that snow. Isn’t it pretty?
Miss R: I can have a little doggie.
Mom: ok.
(several moment pass)
Miss R: Can we get a little doggie?
Mom: *sigh*